2015 Upcoming Board Member Elections

Northwoods Bowmen’s Club 2015 Upcoming Elections Announcement


Northwoods Members,

It is that time of year again. We have a few Board Member positions that are coming open for 2015. If anyone is interested in running for any of the positions listed below, please email Joe Hart (Vice President) directly at:


Please let me know what position you are interested in and give me any information you would like me to share with the Board of Directors. I will present all candidates to the Board first, then to the Club, followed buy a vote (if needed).

All current chairpersons notified me of their intend to run for reelection. I will present all names, including any new entries, at our next Board of Directors Meeting in December 2014.


Current Chair: Keith Leisten

(Will be running for Reelection, notified via phone)

Duties of President:  The President Chairperson has a term of two-years commencing on the odd number years. The President Chairperson is the Principal Officer of the Club and presides at all membership and special meetings of the Membership and Board of Directors (BOD) of the club, and is the member at-large of all Club committees. The President presides over and is in charge of Open Shoot(s). The President may sign any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contract, or instruments that the BOD has authorized but must also have a witness or co-signer from the BOD.


Current Chair: Ruth Zamist

(Will be running for Reelection, notified via email)

Duties of Treasurer: The Treasurer Chairperson has a term of two-years commencing on the odd number years. The Treasurer Chairperson shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the Club. Receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the Club from any source and deposit all such monies in the name of the Club in such bank, trust companies or other depositories as shall be selected in accordance with the provisions of the Club By-Laws.


Current Chair: Greg Fletcher

(Will be running for Reelection, notified via email)

Duties of Membership: The Membership Chairperson has a term of two-years commencing on the odd number years. The Membership Chairperson’s responsibilities are; to disperse information and membership applications to interested parties; to propose for membership those applications that have been received; to keep a logbook of all membership applications and dispositions of; and contact applicants after BOD review.

Publicity Chair:

Current Chair: Jason Baggs  

(Will be running for Reelection, notified via email)

Duties of Publicity: The Publicity Chairperson has a term of two-years commencing on the odd number years. The Publicity Chairperson’s responsibilities are; the publication and distribution of the Club’s monthly newsletter, publication and distribution of flyers for Open type shoots or the Club; publication and distribution of advertisements of the Club, publication of all club related notifications and announcements, and act as the Club Webmaster and Social Media contact.


Thank you all and please email with any questions.